Conscious Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence. Overview.

Michael S. Ivanov
5 min readAug 12, 2022

The world dreams of having an intelligent companion.

The outlook for the future is to keep building human-like Artificial intelligence (A.I.) systems based mainly on a computer science and mathematics. Modern A.I. engineers don’t consider including something unique with human features, like protective mechanisms and emotions, or bring conscious into it.

I would like us to expand our knowledge and give more power to modern intelligent systems by bringing to A.I. more human-like characteristics. What defines human as the most intelligent organism on the Earth? The answer is — our conscious!

By the I would like us to substitute the meaning A.I. with C.I.M. or a Conscious Intelligent Machine.

We could build those based on the knowledge of the psychology, neuroscience, and bioinformatics know, and that’s even more important than knowing the machine code. Conscious systems could be possibly developed by themselves with a minimum of a human interaction. I call it the Quantum sphere, based on the results of its self-anticipated intelligent core. Quantum Sphere is the way to organize an intelligent machine similar to humans, but modern technologies and neuroscience. We don’t need to search for many complex solutions, and we can look at the things around us. No doubt that there is nothing that we could reach more brilliant than human intelligence.

The human conscious is a unique virtual environment, that belong with the subconscious lets us reflect and process anything we interact with around us. It also expresses a sense of self-identity. However, the idea of having a conscious environment with a powerful tool which could be self-developed and immersed with all parts of mental components, behavior, and memory represents itself as an independent unit. Like us!

Understanding our organized behavior is the key to intelligent design applications. To create state-of-art solutions, artificial systems are supposed to have fast, reliable, safe, and intuitive protocols, not programs, to be like us… even better.

It’s a non-stop process of data collecting, decision making, and self-updated improvements to maintain unseen energetic data flow so we can live and succeed. The interactions between each behavioral segment in our mind and daily living habits create hidden data flow, charged with energy so we can live and organize ourselves as a successful societal unit. I call it alternations — a mathematical model of data collection and comparing contrasting choices that genuinely craft databases used to make critical adaptations. We could learn that process from Evolution or models, like viruses. Let’s imagine Intellectintellect… What is it? We can’t see or touch it, but we know we can measure it, imagine it, and reflect it in our conscious. Intellect is a virtual category, and we can’t observe it directly. That doesn’t mean it’s not real, and it’s hidden somewhere.

I would also separate everything around us into two categories: virtual environments (let’s call it a Virtual Sphere) and processes of the existence of living and non-living matter in the Biosphere. They could transfer virtual aspects of the information between two categories of existence: Virtual Sphere and Biosphere. They are responsible for shifting data in case of overloaded conditions between those two worlds.

Everything is filled with information, unseen and accepted by our minds. Somehow in our conscious, we run the consequence of protocols that extract the virtual bases of the information about the objects. That’s why I would recommend hosting human intellect in the Virtual Sphere. Intellect is a truly virtual environment filled with knowledge, but its physical (living matter) bases are lay in the brain tissue, programmed with the genome.

The significant difference between A.I. and Conscious Intelligence Machines (C.I.M.) is that A.I. cannot make a reasonable decision with a “feeling” of self-identity.

Since the burst of A.I. in our lives in 2017–2020, the amount of information has tremendously increased. It’s an Era of informational overload everywhere: internet, technology, human interactions, nature. Information intoxication also leads to climate change. The more we know and collect, the more we need to burn resources to process and utilize. We have a burst of new viral infections, pandemics, and diseases accompanying that informational growth.

Viruses are unlike anything we know on our planet, and it’s an intriguing exception. Viruses are an object that lives in both worlds: a major unseen part in the Virtual Sphere, their energy (meaning) hidden in the information, and a tiny part in the Biosphere — genome — a physical expression of the data. The alternation process between the two worlds is their role and existence. So is it related to us and the creation of Conscious Intelligent Machines? Answer — yes. We are full of virtual environments mirrored in the Virtual Sphere: intellect, hidden subconscious, memories, mental trauma, etc. And we are also a part of living matter in the Biosphere (our physical base for the virtual environments). Did it that way after thousands of years of human Evolution by nature means that it’s a part of our core of survival that affects any aspect of human life. It also has to be created in conscious, intelligent machines.

Our mind has conscious and subconscious branches, and their interactions create the pathway for the behavior to exist. It’s also a virtual environment, not observed but lying somewhere, and has a strict hierarchy. The purpose is to find the best shortcut decisions for a successful and safe life. The way we make choices also arises from the genome’s hidden sources. We create a database of those shortcuts and keep them in our memory, so we can utilize them and reflect consciously via the prism of intellect in the Virtual Sphere. The subconscious is a “black box” of our character and identity.

Everything in the known existence has a duality: a materialistic world, or Biosphere on the Earth we live, and a Virtual unseen world, which I call a Virtual Sphere. The processes of the alternations between two worlds’ existence create a Great Energy Flow (I call it G.E.F.) that charges anything living with the invisible matter. I will have to discuss this topic in my following essay. The live-living world has many virtual environments filled with information, and it collects the non-stop flow with the data stream. Mother Nature has no computers, but it makes the most brilliant ideas for us to adopt. Finding creative ways to apply it to intelligent design is our priority.

What else describes us as the most potent organisms living on Earth? Humans have a “soul” or spirit, conscious machines should have too, and there is a way to do it. Intelligent systems should have a conscious, like us. Modern A.I. systems cannot be conscious or be the way we are. We wouldn’t need to program conscious intelligence in the future, and their coding language wouldn’t even be known to us. Conscious is how we reflect the reality of the world around us, which has different layers combined with a unique feature of a human expression. It is not an easy category to learn.

D.N.A. and R.N.A. are objects we could easily define as living in the Biosphere as a consequence of molecules. The other part existed in the Virtual Sphere — the data behind it. Viruses and genetic codes are two simple examples of our living duality. Existence seems possible only because we learn from the alternation cycles between virtual and materialistic worlds. Virtual D.N.A. is an ultimately new way to let the machine construct components of its environment for the operations based on their unique characteristics, similar to human behavior. We could build a similar conscious structure that orchestrates the whole system inside their digital mind, replacing engineers. They know better.

To be continued…

Dr. Ivanov, 2022



Michael S. Ivanov

Ukrainian asylee from the Ukraine. I was born on December 25th 1984, medical doctor and an Artist.